The Solar Block heating controls provide an interface between the equipment and the user. Among other functionalities, it gives access to:
Heating Controls – Solar Block

When upgrading the home, and looking at the need to lower heating bills, one must always look at the heating controls in the home. Whether you have no zoning of your heating, limited zoning, or zoning of just your hot water, improved heating controls can be an extremely effective way of lowering the bills in the home. Please remember that high oil bills, may not be the fault of the oil boiler. It could be down to poor heating controls.
Here in LVP, we specialise in a wireless, Bluetooth enabled heating controls system, called the Genius. The Genius allows you to separate every radiator in the home into it’s own zone without the need to rip up floorboards and pull wires around the house.
This neat and tidy heating controls system, ensures that no more will you be heating up rooms that you are not using on a daily basis, saving you a fortune on your heating bills.
A common complaint by homeowners can be that their rooms are either too cold, or too warm. With the Genius system, your heating controls ensure that the temperature is regulated in room.
From a simple application on your phone or laptop, you can program each room in the house, so that the heat comes on at a time of your choosing, offering you unrivalled heating controls in every room in the house. You can even decide to just have a default temperature in a room that you don’t want it to fall below, ensuring constant comfort in rooms that you perhaps spend more time in than others.
As an added benefit, you can choose to turn on or off the heating, or to boost your hot water from a remote location, ensuring that you never have to come home to a cold house again.
For an accurate quote, you can call the office today on (01)8643838. All of our Heating Controls Prices are fully transparent and include for all works done